Washed headphones - what to do?

We are all human beings and no one is safe from annoying troubles. It also happens that the headphones fell into the water. Or they simply forgot to pull them out of their pocket and washed them with the laundry. How to be and what to do? The most important thing is not to panic. The Drowned One can still be helped, and nothing fatal has yet happened.

Do you accidentally wash your headphones? What to do?

The best option is to disassemble the headphones so that all the parts dry out, however, not all headsets can be easily disassembled. When assembled, the drying time will be much longer. The device must be placed in a warm place, for example, on the battery. Between the battery and the headphones, it is better to lay paper or other material that absorbs moisture well. You can carry out the treatment with a hairdryer, the main thing is that the air is not very hot. Otherwise, there is a risk of melting the plastic. Until the moment when the drying is complete, you should refrain from using the device.

If the headphones were not disassembled, then they need to be dried for a week. With a hair dryer, speed will increase. Once everything is completed, you can check the performance. Be prepared for the fact that the sound will be much worse, even if the headphones themselves continue to work.

Dry the disassembled headphones

If the device was still able to be disassembled, then this is the best option to remove all moisture from it. Each detail must be carefully and thoroughly wiped with a napkin and put in heat. It is better not to use a hair dryer, as hot air will damage the membrane. Better if it dries on its own. As soon as all the elements have dried, special attention should be paid to the membrane. If there are stains on it, then they should be removed with a napkin. These stains distort the sound. The main thing is to do everything carefully so as not to violate the integrity of the membrane.

If it happened that you dropped your favorite headphones in coffee or just threw them into the washing machine, then you can not do without disassembling them. After all, there’s nothing to lose anyway. All parts of the device must be washed in water, wiped dry and put to dry. Most likely, there will be no high-quality sound, but the headset will still serve until you find a replacement for it.

Rescue of the Drowned

Here, as with man, the delay in death is similar. Naturally, resuscitation will be required, which is as follows:

  • The headset should be immediately removed from the water. Pull the plug out of the socket immediately.
  • Point the earphones toward the ground, and shake out the water with abrupt movements. The main thing is not to overdo it so that in addition to water in the headphones other problems do not appear. Wipe off any remaining moisture with a tissue. Or any other matter, the main thing is that it absorbs moisture well.
  • Do not forget that no matter how you try, moisture will still remain inside. It will need to be dried.

If water gets into the connector

According to worldly wisdom, following the falling earphone, the phone itself flies into the water. If you pull it out in time, then nothing will happen to it, but there will already be water inside the connector. We take rescue measures:

  • If the headphones fell into the water along with the main device, then immediately pull it out of the water and remove the battery, and disconnect the headphones themselves.
  • Whisk large drops of water. We wipe the remains.
  • We dry the device for at least three days, while we do not turn on and do not insert the battery. Dry the remaining moisture from the connector with a hairdryer.
  • Water may remain in the connector. To remove it we use alcohol. Wet a piece of bandage in alcohol and wipe it.
  • As soon as the alcohol treatment is completed, let it dry again.

When all the resuscitation steps have been completed successfully, you can insert the battery into the device. If nothing bad happened with the contacts that are in the connection connector, you will hear the sound.

Watch the video: how to fix earphones that got washed (April 2024).

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