Can I use a slow cooker as a deep fat fryer?

A crock-pot is a multifunctional kitchen appliance highly appreciated for the ability to quickly and easily cook a wide variety of dishes. Manufacturers are constantly improving new models, adding additional features to them. One of these modern features is the deep fryer mode: the ability to cook delicious products with a golden crisp at the minimum cost of time and money.

Is the multicook suitable for deep fat frying

When choosing a multicooker with a deep fryer function, you must pay attention to the following indicators:

  • maximum heating temperature - up to 190 degrees;
  • the presence of filters for cleaning oil;
  • It is desirable to have a glass lid in the package to monitor the cooking process

It is advisable that the kit contains a special basket or wire rack for evenly frying food in oil. It can also be purchased separately by selecting the size or model of the multicooker. Such a part will have to be washed thoroughly after each use.

You can cook meat, poultry, fish, and seafood in deep fat. The cooking process can take place either with the lid closed or without it: the product is simply immersed in oil and then after a few minutes it is taken out and laid out on the napkin to drain excess fat.

Given that such dishes are very high-calorie and rarely cooked, there is no need to buy an additional device. A crock-pot with a special built-in function, when used correctly, can completely replace an individual deep fryer.

With the help of a special program in a slow cooker, you can easily cook real french fries. Despite the fact that this dish is not the most useful, it is still prepared at home. It turns out tastier and less harmful than bought elsewhere.

If the multicooker has a built-in program "Fryer", then you can cook this dish in a matter of minutes even without any special skills.

ATTENTION! Root crops with spots of green shade contain solanine - poison, which when eaten can cause poisoning.

To cook delicious french fries, you can use the following culinary secrets:

  1. Choosing the right potato. You should choose a fairly mature potato, because young root vegetables are too loose and do not have a bright potato flavor. Potatoes with a high starch content will soften during roasting. It is better to choose smooth soft root crops.
  2. Quality frying oil. For deep fat, refined and deodorized oil is used. It does not interrupt potato aroma, and also does not overload with excessive calorie content.
  3. Cutting with cubes. Classic french fries are cut into long bars up to 1 centimeter wide. Thick pieces will be difficult to fry, and too thin pieces will fall apart during cooking. After cutting, the bars should be washed with cold water to remove excess starch and dried on a towel.
  4. The correct proportions of oil: 4 to 1. To get more than just fried potatoes, oil should be taken four times more than the volume of a batch of products dipped into it.
  5. Fry potatoes in small batches. Place the bars in oil so that they can float freely and do not stick together. Each portion is usually fried for 2-10 minutes, depending on the temperature and size of the pieces.
  6. Serving dishes. After cooking, pieces should be laid out on a paper towel to remove excess fat and sprinkle with salt. You can serve ready-made french fries with any sauces and spices, as well as as a side dish for the main dish.

REFERENCE! French fries are prepared in two stages in a cafe: first, they are kept in non-boiling hot oil for about 6-8 minutes, and then they are additionally quickly fried at a higher temperature so that a brown crust appears.

After the work is finished, it is not recommended to use the oil again, since it accumulates carcinogens hazardous to health. French fries should not be consumed in large quantities due to its high calorie content. It is useful to supplement it with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Health damage is caused only by constant abuse of fried foods. If you do not cook deep-fried dishes too often, they will perfectly dilute the everyday and festive menu. The slow cooker can be used as a regular deep fat fryer. In order for the appliance to last longer and bring the maximum benefit from the cooked food, it is important to carefully rinse the bowl after frying and discard the remaining oil.

Watch the video: How to Slow Cook Deep-Fried Bacon. Deep-Frying (April 2024).

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