Tab button on the keyboard

Some novice PC users do not use the Tab key in their work. This is a serious omission, because the use of useful combinations of buttons on the keyboard, can increase the speed of work and expand the scope of tasks. Therefore, it is very important to eliminate gaps in knowledge and explore the useful properties and functions of this button.

Where is the "Tab" button on keyboard

The location of this button is identical to the keyboard of laptops and personal computers. It refers to the section of the "hot" input keys and is located in the leftmost column of the keyboard, the second or third above, below the "Esc" and "~" keys. You can find it by printed symbols - "Tab" or "arrows pointing in opposite directions". If for some reason, it was not in the usual place, you need to refer to the instruction manual for the device.

IMPORTANT! Depending on the factory keyboard layout, the key designation may vary, but it is always located in the leftmost column in the second or third position from the top. For example, to save space on a laptop keyboard, it has a smaller size and is indicated only by the symbol of oppositely directed arrows.

What is the button "Tab" on keyboard

This key is designed to perform two main functions:

  • to select either a transition between several elements or dialog boxes using keyboard shortcuts (this function helps a lot if the mouse doesn't work);
  • Insert a tab, indent, or red line character when writing or editing text.

REFERENCE! With this button it is very convenient to fill in various electronic forms or questionnaires. It allows you to move between fields, without the need for a constant cursor.

Depending on the function used and the task, the "Tab" can be used separately, or in combination with several additional buttons.

Use in office programs. It is used in common text editors, such as Microsoft Word or OpenOffice, when writing, styling, or editing text:

  1. Creating a red line or indent - to do this, set the cursor at the beginning of the sentence and click once on the button. Red line is ready. If it needs to be extended, you need to click on the key several times.
  2. Keyboard combinations used during surfing the Internet. It's no secret that in any available Internet browser there are keyboard shortcuts that significantly speed up the work, for example: the combination "Ctrl" + "Tab" - will help you quickly switch between all open tabs in the browser.
  3. Filling various forms. To do this, set the cursor in the first window of the form and fill it. Then, by pressing the tab key, you can move on without needing to move the cursor. Return to the beginning of the form or the previous line, will help the combination of "Chift" + "Tab". This function is suitable for processing a large amount of information and will help to significantly increase the speed of work, save time and save power.

The use of combinations of buttons in the working environment of the Windows operating system allows you to significantly simplify navigation in a large number of open documents. She is also an indispensable assistant, in the absence of a mouse. Examples of simple shortcut keys:

  • the combination of "Ctrl" + "Tab" - like when surfing the Internet, allows you to quickly navigate between the open tabs of a selected group of applications;
  • the combination "Alt" + "Tab" - helps to move between the cascade of open programs;
  • the combination "Alt" + "Shift" + "Tab" - reverse movement between open programs;
  • when you press the Tab button, the address bar is activated, showing the path to the selected file, it also opens the possibility to move between individual command window elements, such as search, command line and explorer.

The Tab button has such useful, and in some situations, irreplaceable functions, and its regular use will significantly simplify the workflow.

Watch the video: What is the function of tab key on a computer - Lunar Computer College (May 2024).

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