How to throw a mirror out of the house correctly

Mirrors hardly leave the inhabited houses, people treat them with care. Many have the feeling that this is a very close, dear thing, which is hard to part with. Is it possible to throw away, without hesitation, an object in which its owners and people close to them are reflected daily?

An important circumstance: the mirror is a mystical object. His special energy, magical properties are described in various sources. There are many signs associated with it.

For example, a look into it when a person was forced to return; inverted personal mirror (to save energy); broken - to trouble; curtained - after the death of the owner. Fortune telling, love spells, conspiracies: a mirror is one of the most significant objects that is used in them. Therefore, taking him out of the house is a whole ritual.

Getting rid of a broken product is a simple and understandable solution: fragments are dangerous and in every sense carry a negative. But taking things out of the house, which until a certain moment was a reliable assistant, requires special actions. Not everyone is ready to just throw it in the trash. There are ceremonies and technologies that help the owners prepare the subject for elimination.

Can mirrors be thrown away

There are situations when parting with old objects is inevitable. If the product came from the previous owner, it must be remembered that the objects retain a special energy, which may be unsafe. Better not to use such things.

It is not practical to store or use a cracked and darkened from time to time mirror. Not only is reflection not visible in it or is it distorted. Such a thing has a bad effect on the mood of a person, on his energy resources.

Sometimes a mirror leaves its usual place not only due to damage. Change of interior, rearrangement, purchase of a new attractive accessory - situations that lead to the elimination of old things.

How to throw away an old mirror

How to throw a mirror out of the house correctly? A broken product is dangerous, like any glass that can be cut by touching your hands or stepping with your bare foot. The technology for cleaning fragments is standard.

  1. Sweep and carefully assemble the large parts with gloves.
  2. Check the entire area where small parts could spread.
  3. Wash the surface thoroughly.
  4. Throw away the fabric and the broom (small fragments get stuck in them).

It is good if you can pack small parts in a durable bag that will not allow people and animals to accidentally come into contact with it.

The sign of a broken accessory is traditionally entrenched in the popular consciousness. There is wise advice - try not to reflect in the fragments or cracked glass, not to predict misfortunes to oneself.

What should be done first with an accessory that the owners decided to throw away? There are several teachings rooted in the past. Significant moments in life have always been accompanied by special rituals. There are ceremonies for saying goodbye to the old mirror: they help to part with the familiar “looking glass”, which has become part of life at home.

How to throw an old mirror out of the house correctly? One of the most important points is not to let the product taken out of the house break.

Best if it doesn’t happen at all. Previously, they offered to bury mirrors. Now it’s optimal that it doesn’t crash until the owners put the packed item near the containers.

Can a mirror be thrown away? Processing it before it is taken out of the house requires observance of the rite of purification. For this, the most powerful substances are used:

  • Cold water;
  • Thursday salt;
  • Candles

Water should wash the surface completely within a few minutes. Any convenient containers are suitable for this. So rinse the mirror before removing it from the house.

Thursday salt (which is stored on Pure Thursday) is three times sprinkled with an old object already taken out of the house. Candles are needed to consecrate the place where there was a mirror. In its place, new items must be delivered after at least seven days have passed.

Holy water, candles with which to cross the surface, and farewell words are another famous ritual of parting. After its holding, this item in dark cloth or packaging is taken out of the house.

Is it possible to throw out a mirror? Attention is drawn to the advice: leave it without any reflections for a period (week or month).

This recommendation is consistent with a long-standing reverent attitude towards this thing. A small personal mirror has always been turned over in those cases when they did not want to be affected by the evil eye. And when a large piece of interior, reflecting the life of the household, is prepared for removal from the house, then for a while it is either turned over to the wall or left in the pantry. Everyone gets used to the fact that the product is already "inoperative."

To remove energy from him, the information accumulated by him, and correctly remove it from home should be subject to the following points:

  • In strong packaging;
  • Take away to one person;
  • In the phase of the waning moon.

A very prudent advice is to bury the accessory. It contains the ritual side, but is also useful from a security point of view..

That way no one gets hurt. For the townspeople, this advice is not too practical. It’s easier for them to pack the beating item before throwing it into thick paper, cardboard, cloth and carefully place it near the place where the garbage will be taken out.

These tips are twofold. They reassure people who are attentive to signs and by all means protect their home. And on the other hand, they help to correctly dispose of an unsafe item.

Rules for getting rid of a cosmetic mirror

Sometimes in caskets and cabinets several old desktop, cosmetic and plug-in mirrors from powder accumulate. But the housewives do not raise a hand to take them to the trash. Psychologically, this is understandable.

On the one hand, they accompanied an important moment for each woman to take care of her appearance, a kind of “old friend”. It is impossible to part with a light soul with such trifles, although they have long become superfluous trash.

Most often, no one looked at these mirrors for years. Small personal belongings should be treated with the same care as large interior items.

No need to overload life with unnecessary things. But feelings of loss should be avoided. You can use all the same rituals - with water, candles, salt.

Pack and say goodbye. Wait at least a week before purchasing new items. The replacement of old items with fresh ones is an important life period that should strengthen a person’s energy.


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